Fat Godless Whore

Not so whorish, really, but the rest is true.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I woke up from a dream recently convinced that "humunculous" was a word. I couldn't find it in the hard copy dictionary, so I dictionary.comd it, and was asked "Did you mean HOMUNCULUS?" Sure, that must be it, so I clicked, and this is the definition:

1. an artificially made dwarf, supposedly produced in a flask by an alchemist.

2. a fully formed, miniature human body believed, according to some medical theories of the 16th and 17th centuries, to be contained in the spermatozoon.

3. a diminutive human being.

4. the human fetus.

Why? Why am I dreaming about test tube dwarves and/or eensy weensy sperm people? I don't know, but it makes me so very happy.


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